Rivertel is a pioneering telecom startup with a strong social commitment. It serves as more than just a telecom service provider; it functions as a dedicated support system for immigrants, catering to their unique needs in a new environment. In addition to offering essential telecom services like unlimited talk, text, and data at competitive rates, Rivertel goes the extra mile by providing immigrant acclimation services. These services include aiding new residents in navigating existing resources, offering legal assistance, mental health counseling, and job support in the United States. Through partnerships with non-profits, institutions, and government resources, Rivertel serves as a centralized information hub, connecting immigrants to a wide range of services, often at no cost. Rivertel strives to be more than just a telecom provider; it aims to drive positive change and facilitate seamless integration into American society for every immigrant.
Find out more about our packages and the features we provide on our Plans page!.